It is one of the African Great Lakes and is located in the Rift Valley, between Malawi, Tanzania and Mozambique.
With a north-south orientation,
It has 560 km long, 80 km wide and 700 m maximum depth.
It is a unique lake in the world by forming a specific biogeographic province, with about 400 described species of endemic cichlids (about 30% of all known cichlids in the world).
Is estimated to have an age between one and two million years.
Since it is a tropical region and is very deep, the lake is permanently stratified, with a epilímnio warmer on a cold hipolímnio more. The water level varies with the seasons and still has a long cycle, with the highest levels in recent years.

It is a lake that is located in the Great Rift Valley, confined between mountains.
Second largest lake in surface area of the continent, while the deeper and more voluminous.
It extends 673 km north-south direction and has, on average, about 50 km wide.
It covers 32,900 kilometers with a coastline of 1,828 kilometers and an average depth of 570 m 1,470 m peak.
Contains about 18,900 km ³ of water.
The average surface temperature is 25 º C and average acidity of pH 8.4.
The lake's basin covers 231,000 km, with two major rivers that flow into the lake, along with numerous small rivers and streams that come from the steep hills, the main flow of water that comes from Lukuga River, which flows into the River Congo.
The main rivers are the Ruzizi Malagarasi and the second largest river in Tanzania.
It is shared by four countries: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia and Tanzania, which holds the largest share (41%).

The Lake Victoria or Victoria Nyanza (in suahili language) is one of the African Great Lakes, located on a plateau high in the western part of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, and is subject to territorial administration by Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya.
African languages spoken around the Lake Victoria.
With 68,870 km ² in area (almost the same in Ireland) is the largest lake in Africa, the largest tropical lake in the world and the second largest freshwater lake in the world in terms of area.
Being relatively shallow, such as ordering the seventh largest freshwater lake by volume and contains 2,760 cubic kilometers of water. It is one of the sources of the River Nile, the White Nile.
There are over 3,000 islands in its interior, many of which are inhabited, including the Islands of Ssese in Uganda, a large group of islands in northwestern Lake, and becoming a popular destination for tourists.

The ciclídios are classified as:
That inhabit the rocky part of the lake.
Are smaller, more active and aggressive.
Usually herbivores, feeding mainly on algae is growing on the rocks and small crustaceans.
The pricipais genera are:
Pseudotropheus, Melanochromis, Labidochomis, Labeotropheus, Cynotilapia, Gephyrochomis, among others.

All other.
The key is Utakas and Haplochromis.
Are less aggressive mainly because their territories are not so close together and are less defined.
Are larger than the mbunas and that most of them are omnivores.
Feeding was fingerlings, small invertebrates, plankton and so on.

Africa, (African cichlids).
It is the second most populous continent of the Earth (after Asia) and the third largest continent (after Asia and the Americas).
Has about 30 million square kilometers, covering 20.3% of the total area of land on the planet and more than 800 million people in 53 countries, representing about one-seventh of the world population.
Five of the countries of Africa were Portuguese colonies and use Portuguese as official language: Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique and Sao Tome
Separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea and binds to Asia at its northeast extremity by the Isthmus of Suez.
However, Africa has a single plate tectonics, in contrast to Europe to Asia that shares a Euro-Asian plate.
The length of coast line is 26 000 km.

The Americas (Ameriocanos cichlids).
Continent located in the western hemisphere and that extends in the direction north-south from the Arctic Ocean to Cape Horn, over about 15 thousand kilometers.
The extreme east and non-continental island is in Greenland, in Nordostrundingen, while the end is in the western Aleutian islands.
But the extreme non-contiguous islands and the continent itself (continuous continental mass) are the Cape Prince of Wales (extreme west, in Alaska) and Ponta do Seixas (extreme east, in Paraíba).
With an area of 42 189 120 km ² and a population of over 750 million, equivalent to 8.3% of the total area of the planet, or 28.4% of the land emerged, and 14% of the human population.
Located between the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic, America includes the Caribbean Sea and Greenland, but not Iceland, for historical and cultural reasons.
It is also known as the Americas and the phrase New World, in this case in opposition to Europe as the Old World.
Some do not see America as a single continent, preferring to define it as a set of land comprising the continents of North America (including Central America and the Caribbean call) and South America Whatever your concept, the America is made up, in fact, two masses of continental dimensions - the Americas, North and South -, linked by an isthmus (the isthmus of Panama) that is cut by a canal (the canal of Panama).

Amazon (U.S. ciclidios)
A large river located in northern South America, the heart of the Amazon forest. Earth's largest river, the volume of water as in length (6.992,06 km long), has its origin in the source of the Apurimac River (top of the western part of the Andes), in southern Peru, and ends in Atlantic Ocean near the Tocantins river in the great Delta of the Amazon in northern Brazil. Throughout his journey in Peru receives the names of Apacheta, Lloqueta, Tunguragua, Marañón, Apurimac, Ene, Tambo, Ucayali and Amazonas (Peru), in Brazilian territory to enter the name of Solimões Manaus and finally gets in the name of Rio Amazon to the mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. Much time is believed to be the Amazon the river flow of more world and second in length, but after detailed analysis, the INPE technicians concluded that the extension of the Amazon River has 6,992.06 km accurate, exceeding the Nile approximately 140 km ( Folha de São Paulo, July 3, 2008). Holder of the largest river basin in the world, exceeding 7 million km2, most of the river is embedded in the Amazon floodplain sediment, although the source in its entirety is rugged and high altitude. Marginally, the riparian vegetation is at its most exuberant, predominantly the equatorial forests of the Amazon, the area covered by water in the Amazon River and its tributaries more than triples during the seasons. On average in the dry season, 110,000 km2 are submerged, while in the rainy season comes to that area of 350,000 km2. In its widest point in the dry season reaches 11km wide, which are converted into 50km during the rainy season.